Intercultural Social Work in Europe

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Prof. Dr. Josef Freise

a) The importance of the workfield

The more economic and political globalization takes root, the more important initiatives of intercultural learning and intercultural social work become. When we interact with people from other countries, we have to understand their different cultural background. Intercultural learning is a way to improve empathy for people from different cultures, to act well in conflict situations with people from other countries and to strengthen personal identity - knowing who I am and who I am not.

Intercultural learning deals not only with cultures, but more generally with diversity: with differences of gender, class, race, nation and religion.

Culture is always linked with these factors. We have to include political and economic questions when we organize a dialogue between people from different countries.

b) What I have done in the workfield

  • 2003-2004 Evaluation of an EC Grundtvig Project "Committed Fathers: Optimizing concepts of the education of migrant fathers"
  • 2003-2007 Evaluation of an EC Xenos Project "Social Youth Work Against Xenophobia And Against Violence"

c) Outlook on the activities foreseen in 2008

A comparative study on Intercultural and Interreligious Competence regarding educational programmes in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany

Updated: 29. 03. 2017