ERIS Experts – Ivana Kowaliková

Mgr. Ivana Bražinová, Ph.D. is a researcher and Assistant Professor in the field of social work at the Faculty of Social Studies at the University of Ostrava. She teaches and publishes mainly in the field of social work with older people. She deals with the relationship between gerontechnology, social gerontology, and social work. She participates in the implementation of social innovations into practice and education of social work, e.g., using ICT in social work practice with vulnerable groups. She teaches the courses “Seminar for Bachelor Thesis – Work with Professional Text” and “Modern Technologies, Innovation and Research in Social Work with Older People” to Bachelor’s degree students. At the Master’s degree level she teaches the course “Methods and Techniques of Qualitative Research in Social Work” and specializes in the method of qualitative content analysis.

Selected Publications

Kalenda, S., Kowaliková, I., Gojová, A., Recmanová, A., Vysloužilová, A. (2021) The Digitization of Social Work with Vulnerable Children and Older People in the Czech Republic: A Challenge for the Future. Routledge Handbook of Digital Social Work.

Kowaliková, I., Chytil, O. (2021) Social support of seniors in difficult situations – implications for social work. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems.

Kowaliková, I. a Bohatá, K. (2021). Analysis and Typology of Crisis Situations of Seniors and Interventions of Telephone Crisis Support Workers in the Czech Republic. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 19, 252-261.

Glumbíková, K., Caletková, L., Kowaliková, I. & Mikulec, M. Komunitní plánování sociálních služeb v obci: Zhodnocení nastavení procesu komunitního plánování. Sociální práce/Sociálná práca. 2021, 15(3), s. 21-35. ISSN 1213-6204.

Kalenda, S., Kowaliková, I. The Digital Exclusion of Vulnerable Children: Challenge for Sustainability Issues in Czech Social Work Practice. Sustainability. 2020, 12(23), ISSN 2071-1050.

Chytil, O., Kowaliková, I. Social Work Research in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In: Pedagogika społeczna. Spotkania, trwanie i zmienność, pogranicza. Łodź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łodzkiego, 2020. s. 277-294. ISBN 978-83-8142-778-4.

Vávrová, S., Recmanová, A., Kowaliková, I., Gojová, A. & Vaňharová, A. Using ICT In Social Work focused on E-exclusion Groups. In: 10th ICEEPSY - International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology: The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences 2019-10-09 Barcelona - Spain. UK: Future Academy, 2019. s. 369-381. ISBN 2357-1330.

Kowaliková, I., Chytil, O. Souvislost mezi anticipovanou dostupností sociální opory a kvalitou života seniorů: implikace pro sociální práci. Sociální práce/Sociálna práca. 2019, 19(3), s. 62-81. ISSN 1213-6204.

Kowaliková, I., Chytil, O. Analysis and Description of Availability and Sources of Social Support in Selected Difficult Situations for Seniors by Type of Their Household in the Czech Republic. Czech and Slovak Social Work. 2019, 19(1), s. 65-83. ISSN 1213-6204.

Selected projects

Optimalizace komunitního plánování sociálních služeb na úrovni obcí [Optimization of community planning of social services at the municipal level] (TL03000005) – co-investigator (4/2020-12/2022)

Smart technologies for the improvement of quality of life in cities and regions (ID: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008452) – co-investigator (1/2019-12/2022)

Social support of seniors by type of their households (SGS03/FSS/2018 ) – principal investigator (2018)

Updated: 13. 04. 2022