Associate Membership in ERIS

  1. Individuals as well as legal entities whose activity is interconnected with education and research in the area of social work may become affiliated members of ERIS.
  2. Whether or not affiliated membership in ERIS is granted shall be determined by the ESB on the basis of an application form.
  3. Affiliated membership shall be subject to an annual membership fee the amount of which shall be determined by the ESB. The membership fee shall be payable by January 30 of a given calendar year.

  4. Affiliated members shall be entitled to:
    1. be informed about the activity and research objectives of ERIS;
    2. submit suggestions and proposals to ERIS;
    3. participate in the ESB meeting with their vote being consultative;
    4. participate in events and activities organised by ERIS.

  5. Affiliated members shall be obliged to:
    1. proceed according to these Statutes and comply with them;
    2. act in agreement with the mission of ERIS and its goals and protect its good reputation;
    3. actively participate in ERIS activities;
    4. pay the annual membership fee in the set amount and within the set deadline;
    5. update the data provided in the application form.

Application forms:

Updated: 12. 09. 2023