About us
The aim of cooperation between the University of Ostrava’s Faculty of Social Studies and partner universities across Europe is to intensify research activities in social work based on partnership agreements and the foundation of the European Research Institute for Social Work (ERIS), based at the University of Ostrava.
The mission of the Institute is to carry out high-quality funded research projects involving the Institute’s European partners and to produce European-funded teaching and learning materials for social work and social care programmes.
- University of Ostrava (CZ)
- Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (D)
- University of Hertfordshire (GB)
- Catholic University of Lille (F)
- University of Kuopio (Fin)
- Trnava University (SK)
- Catholic University of Applied Sciences of North Rhine Westphalia (D)
- to undertake scientific research and systematic review in all relevant fields
- to build up a database of information based on systematic inquiry
- to facilitate the professional development of research students and academic staff
- to offer expertise across Europe to politicians and agencies
- to provide knowledge for developing best practice across Europe
- to offer knowledge and skills development for management and practitioners
Cooperation within the European Research Institute for Social Work will enable European-level research findings to be incorporated into teaching at the University of Ostrava. On April 24, 2008, on the occasion of the foundation of ERIS, a ceremonial meeting took place involving partner universities and the Rector of the University of Ostrava.
Photos from the opening ceremony of the European Research Institute for Social Work
Mission Statement
The European Research Institute for Social Work will carry out high-quality funded research projects in the European countries of participating institutions and further afield, and will produce European-funded teaching and learning materials for social work and social care programmes.
The Institute will be an instigator and coordinator of high-quality research and teaching materials, which will draw upon, and inform, European and wider international developments in social work and community development. The Institute will make the results of these projects available for use by universities, social workers, policymakers and managers by way of publications and the Institute’s website.
Statutes of the European Supervisory Board of the European Research Institute for Social Work
- Statutes of the European Supervisory Board of the European Research Institute for Social Work
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Updated: 15. 01. 2018