Eris - Conference Archive
- Between Crisis and Transition: for a Comprehensive Approach to Social Transformations
- The Social Work in Crisis: Solution or Part of the Problem?
- International Symposium Participation: a Path to Inclusion?
- International Scientific Conference: Children in Social Work
- Social Justice and Diversity – Models in Social Work Research, Practice and Education
- European Dimension in Social Work Education and Practice
- Social Work and Minorities
- Participatory Social Work: Approaches, Barriers, Critique
- The role of social work in a shifting world - social change and cohesion as a challenge and mandate of professional social work
- Research and social work practice - mutually beneficial endeavour or uneasy bedfellows?
- Social Work Identity in Europe - An Academic and Professional Debate
- Constructing European Social Welfare and Social Work in the Midst of Diverse Traditions, Policies and Practices
- Transnational convergence, diffusion and transfer in social policy and social work
- Social Work and Diversity International Conference
- Social Work in between Privatisation and the Public Sector
- Research into Practice Knowledge Transfer for Social Work Practitioners and Managers
Updated: 16. 01. 2025